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Hellbrunn Palace near Salzburg

One of the city's biggest and most beautiful facilities

Hellbrunn Palace and the eponymous, huge park are located in the south of Salzburg and are easily accessible by car or bus. Although, walking or cycling through Hellbrunn Alley is definitely worth the effort; after all it is one of the world's oldest, still intact alleys.

However you get to Hellbrunn: take your time. There is a lot to see. Salzburg's borough Hellbrunn offers not only the palace, but also its water games, flower garden, huge park and last but not least Hellbrunn Zoo at the foot of the mountain.

Immer einen Besuch wert - Schloss Hellbrunn

Salzburg maison the plaisance

Prince-archbishop Markus Sittikus had only been in office for a couple of months when he commissioned the construction of this summer residence. His passion for Italian culture can still be seen at Hellbrunn Palace and the whole area.

He wanted to create a place like no one had ever seen before, with this palace, the huge park and of course the water games.

Water games – perfect for hot days

Enter the prince-archbishop's "playground” and get ready for a surprise. For almost 400 years various mechanisms have been initiated purely by hydraulics. During a tour through the area you can be sure that you won't stay dry; an absolute highlight in Salzburg and especially recommendable on hot days.

When you visit the palace, why not also walk over to Hellbrunn Zoo or take a stroll through the park all the way up Hellbrunn mountain. It's not too high but offers gorgeous views over the alpine mountain range.

Der Sound of Music Pavillon im Schloss Hellbrunn

Experience nature & culture in Hellbrunn

The 400-year old park invites you to a walk through time. Sittikus empathised a diverse programme. Wherever you look you will find a playful changes of bright and dark, fire and water, animate and inanimate. Historic sculptures line the park. The Hellbrunn Steintheater (stone theatre) offers a unique event venue for operas and other cultural performances in the summer.

Dauerausstellung SchauLust

Markus Sittikus von Hohenhems, Erzfürstbischof und Bauherr des Schloss Hellbrunn, war ein illustrer Charakter, der Salzburg zu seiner Lebzeit nachhaltig prägte. Anlässlich des 400. Schlossbau-Jubiläums wird in Hellbrunn die Dauerausstellung „SchauLust – Die unerwartete Welt des Markus Sittikus“gezeigt. Diese präsentiert auf interaktive Weise das Wirken des Erzfürstbischofs. 

Adresse und Öffnungszeiten Schloss Hellbrunn

Schloss Hellbrunn ist täglich von Ende März bis Anfang November geöffnet. Sie können Tickets für Führungen inklusive Audioguide mit dem Eintritt zum Volkskundemuseum bereits ab ca. 12,00 Euro kaufen. Studenten, Gruppen, Kinder und Familien erhalten besondere Angebote. Genaue Informationen zu Eintrittspreisen und Öffnungszeiten finden Sie auf folgender Seite Schloss Hellbrunn ist sowohl mit den öffentlichen Verkehrsmitteln als auch dem Auto sehr gut zu erreichen. Die Adresse lautet:

Fürstenweg 37
A-5020 Salzburg